"“The act of giving reflects a heartfelt attitude of gratitude and announces to God and to the world that we are indeed thankful for the blessings of our lives.”"

Rabbi Elliot Cosgrove, Ph.D.

Kol Nidrei 5785

"As we begin this new year, we remain burdened and saddened by the war in Israel, and much of what is going on around us. We will continue to support Israel…and at the same time we will continue to be responsive to the needs of our community…as well as continue to look forward. Park Avenue Synagogue is our sanctuary here at home, a guiding light to help so many of us through these challenging times.

We are thought leaders, providing a place for important national conversations about all things Jewish. We are leaders delivering spirituality through our excellence in music. And we will continue to create the synagogue of the future, one that is welcoming, inclusive and helps our members continue to live meaningful Jewish lives." – Chairman Mark First

Kol Nidrei 5785

Opportunities to Give

Synagogue Funds

Park Avenue Synagogue is a beit tefillah (house of prayer), a beit midrash (house of learning), and a beit knesset (house of community). When making a gift to Park Avenue Synagogue in addition to your Kol Nidrei Appeal pledge, consider supporting one of these three areas. 

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Memorial Giving

Not all Jews mourn alike. Some choose to meticulously observe the rites and customs of mourning, while others may be more relaxed and creative in their practices. No one way is correct. Some mourners might also choose to honor the deceased by contributing to Park Avenue Synagogue as a public statement and promise to continue the good of their loved one’s lifetime and to continue to make their memory a blessing. To make a memorial gift to PAS, please consider one of the below options.

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