Featured this week

Weekly Sermon

Rabbi Cosgrove: Looking Long (November 9, 2024)

Following last week’s election, you may feel crushed and afraid or you may feel relieved and grateful. Rabbi Cosgrove counsels that whatever our reaction, each of us must move forward, working to realize our ideals with respect for those whose reactions differ from our own.

Featured Song

Shir Hayonah (Song of the Dove)

Like the dove in this gentle song, the dove in last week’s parsha, we look for a more peaceful, hopeful tomorrow.


Vicki W. Wimpfheimer Mitzvah Day

Sun / Nov 24 / 10:00 am / 87th Street
Celebrate more than 25 years of doing mitzvot together by joining us for a morning of activities for all ages that help benefit our local community.


Bring Them Home Israel at War Resources

Each week, until they are all returned home, we dedicate the mitzvah of hadlakat nerot Shabbat, lighting Shabbat candles, to an individual held in captivity in Gaza. Visit our Israel at War Resource page for more material. 

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